Thursday, June 19, 2008

A shot in the arm...

Actually I succumbed to the dire warnings of virus and bacteria strife that is apparently going to bring the world to it's knees in the near future, and got two needles and five vaccines shot into the upper muscle of my left arm.

It's amazing that they can now combine vaccines together - the first shot was for Hepatitis A and Typhoid and the second had Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (whooping cough) in it's weapon sights.

The nurse warned me that my arm was going to be sore for the next day or so, but I was fine for ages; it was only after I had been home for a while (I'd gotten the shots during my lunch break) that my left arm started to feel as if someone had decided to bruise with intent.

But I'm fine now, and hopefully my white blood cells have suited up and I'll be okay when I head over to be exposed to foreign air, food and water - all of it a potential threat :)

I'm getting a Fantastic Voyage/ Innerspace kinda feeling here :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Judith,

I noticed your face up in the hot 100 section of the U! liftout the other day when I was I was having coffee with some friends and I was like "hey I know her!"

Hope Beijing plans are going well!

Maybe we can catch up some time if you're not too busy?

Feel free to email me back, I wasn't sure whether your work email was the right address to email you that's why I'm commenting on your blog! Haha.

Talk soon xo
