Friday, August 1, 2008

The Final Countdown

This is it, people! I'm getting thisclose to Beijing!

This time next week it will be 08.08.08 and I will be scoping out a place somewhere on the Olympic Green so I can at least watch the fireworks for the Opening Ceremony of the Games of the 29th Olympiad - or as listed in roman numerals at the IOC's official website - XXIX :)

At the moment though, I'm busy trying to pack - though I have been told to not bring very much with me - shopping is supposed to be fabulous and it's actually summer so I'm going to be able to keep a relatively light suitcase...for all the souvenirs and gifts that I'll be bringing back!

This weekend, however is all about The Chinese Olympic Party, invites have been sent and hopefully we'll get a good turn out for this winter soiree...fingers crossed the weather cooperates by being a dry Saturday!

I hope to be able to write regularly and update this blog, but while I have noted that I may have a PC in my modest hotel room accommodation, I really won't know the truth of anything until I get into Beijing.

Everyone is very excited for me (though some are also rather trepidatous due to issues with smog, security and my independent travel) but "a life lived in fear is a life half lived" and I hope to have a wonderful time in China, and hopefully the canny wisdom to keep out of trouble spots!


Anonymous said...

Well I'll be checking in regularly Jude. I'm both excited and trepidious for you as well. Please be safe.

Hope your party on the weekend went well and do I get a surprise for being the first to appreciate the 'Strictly Ballroom' quote? *grin*

Anonymous said...

Lian... *sigh*