Saturday, August 9, 2008

Opening Ceremony

Wasn't last night's Opening Ceremony amazing? I hope I get the chance to watch a video of Australia's coverage when I get back, I love the little asides the Australian commentators make to us (and each other!) Sure, they can sometimes be a little inane, but on the whole their comments are fairly insightful and informative, and I missed not knowing who the sporting stars of each country were that had been chosen to be their nation's flag bearers, and what sports that particular country was good at (basically who Australia might have to beat! :)

The Ceremony itself was awesome. I knew there would be throngs of people displaying a level of synchronicity that would be astonding, but even seeing what celebrated director Zhang Yimou (Raise the Red Lantern, House of Flying Daggers) came up with with his team took my breath away.

I happened to be watching the first part of the ceremony at Paddy O'Shea's Pub in Dongzhimenwai Dajie (I couldn't find the Kookaburra Pub, purported to be next to the Australian Embassy, so this was the next best thing and within walking distance); and the gent next to me, a middle-aged Londoner who currently lives in Beijing was bemoaning that there was no way that London could possibly compete with the ceremony that China had just put together.
He may be right.

London will have to come up with something English and innovative (which I'm sure they're working on right now! Maybe with Richard Branson:), but I don't really compare countries too much when it comes to hosting the Olympics - the ceremony is usually indicative of the culture presenting, and I enjoy watching the Olympics in general. (This probably comes from having athletes as parents I guess - both mum and dad competed at high levels in the Malaysian Games, in running and swimming respectively.)

Back to the spectacle - I thought the use of wirework was a revelation and the importance placed on calligraphy with the symbolism of using the scroll to tell of China's rich history was inspired.

The initial countdown to the start with the drums was jaw-dropping. And kung-fu! :) Yup, lots to admire.

But I really got a little teary when Li Ning, after receiving the flame as the final runner and lifted into the upper reaches of the Bird's Nest began to run...against a background of an unfurling! And in his wake, all the previous runners in the Olympic Torch Relay were added to the screens - bringing this tumultous but hopefully ultimately uplifting event right up to the present moment. Then out of nowhere (how did they do that?) a giant version of the scroll inspired Chinese Olympic Torch appeared and the cauldron flame was lit accompanied by a last round of possibly millions of dollars worth of fireworks. The night exploded with colour and heralded the start of competition.

My first event is today :) Judo at the Beijing Science and Technology University Gymnasium.

So, what did you think of the ceremony?


topia7 said...

I taped it Jude, you can come over when you get back and see it on widescreen in my new place. :-)
I enjoyed it although was glad to be able to fast-forward the long bits. I think it's better watched in a crowd.

Anonymous said...

Hey, saw it at Beth's place with all Jiten's crew and poked fun at all the funny hats... and what was with the camerman's obsession with people's shoes I'll never figure out. Loved the costumes & the wire work was pretty damn cool. So theatrical ;) so Chinese! :) so ironic you saw it in an Irish pub. Jx